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- George the Animal Steele
Wrestler - Miss Elizabeth
1986 - Bruno
Sammartino - Curious George Animal
Scrapbook Game - George the Animal Steele
and Elizabeth - George the Animal Steele
Used Cars 1997 Movie - George Steele
Obituary - George the Animal Steele
vs Andre the Giant - John
Cleese - George the Animal Steele
Eating Turnbuckle - Macho Man vs
George the Animal Steele - George the Animal Steele
Interview - George the Animal Steele
Doing Pushups - George the Animal
Steel Bideos - WWF Wrestling
George the Animal Steele - George the Animal Steele
1978 - George the Animal Steele
vs Roddy Piper - George the Animal Steele
vs Randy Savage - Best George Steele
Matches - Miss Elizabeth
George the Animal Steele - George the Animal Steele
Ed Wood - George the Animal Steele
English Teacher - George the Animal
Steel in Shower
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