PODLASKIE - Wrota Podlasia
Facts about Podlaskie: Capital of region: Bialystok Inhabitants: ca 1 200 000 Consists of 17 municipalities. The Podlaskie region is a place where you can find picturesque landscapes, primeval forests, and numerous rivers and lakes.
Tourism - Wrota Podlasia
Tourism is of great importance to Podlasie Voivodeship, this being a natural consequence of the richness of the area’s nature. Clean air, beautiful forests, lakes, landscapes – this is all at the tourist’s grasp.
The history of Podlaskie Voivodeship - Wrota Podlasia
At the dawning of its history, Podlaskie Voivodeship was covered by impenetrable primeval forests and swamps, which extended from the Bug to the Niemen River. Very few people inhabited only the edge of the voivodeship. This border area was under the ethnic influence of Polish, Russian and Lithuanian cultures.
The Green Lungs of Poland - Wrota Podlasia
‘The Green Lungs of Poland’ idea is based on sustainable development, which does not threatens natural environment and allows future generations to benefit from the Earth’s supplies as much as we manage to benefit today.
Museum and Workshop Centre in historic monastery in Szczuczyn
Project title: Remont i adaptacja na cele kulturowe zabytkowego kompleksu klasztornego w Szczuczynie z przeznaczeniem na centrum muzealno - warsztatowe Beneficiary: Parafia Rzymskokatolicka pw. Imienia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Szczuczynie Project value: PLN 4,868,627.07 EU grant: PLN 3,894,901.63 The brick church dedicated to the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the monastery and the ...
Health at work - Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa …
Project title: Poprawa stanu zdrowia populacji pracującej województwa podlaskiego Beneficiary: Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku Project value: PLN 12 215 779.22 EU grant: PLN 10 383 410.79. Health is one of the greatest values. Being healthy, it is easier to pursue your professional and family plans, make your dreams come true, be successful, and lead a successful social life.
About the Programme - Regionalny Program Operacyjny …
Regional Operational Programme of the Podlaskie Voivodship for the years 2014-2020 indicates the objectives of development, emerging directly from the Development Strategy of the Podlaskie Voivodship until 2020, correlated with the presumptions of the …
“Podlaskie Jadło” - Wrota Podlasia
“Podlaskie Jadło” is an association which published the book “Podlasie Cuisine” about traditional regional food. In this publication we can find a history of cooking traditions in Podlasie including some old recipes. As an example, a long time ago on the tables of nobility in Podlasie, meals with venison, as well as pheasants and peacock meat were reigning.
Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej Gminy Gródek
Jan 24, 2025 · Zgodnie z uchwałą Nr IX/75/25 Rady Gminy Gródek z dnia 30 stycznia 2025 r. w sprawie zamiaru likwidacji Filii Biblioteki w Załukach oraz zamiaru dokonania zmiany statutu Biblioteki Publicznej w Gródku, Wójt Gminy Gródek wydał zarządzenie Nr 69/25 Wójta Gminy Gródek z dnia 31 stycznia 2025 r. w sprawie publikacji zamiaru likwidacji Filii Biblioteki w Załukach oraz zamiaru dokonania ...
Region Description - Wrota Podlasia
Podlaskie voivodeship is situated in the north-east part of Poland. Its area is 20 180 km2 and is inhabited by 1 224 000 people. Podlaskie is divided into 14 administrative poviats. The capital of voivodeship and the largest city is Białystok (283 000 inhabitants). From the midst of other towns, small centers (population of up to 20 000) prevail, …