The fund | Norges Bank Investment Management
The fund exists to help finance the Norwegian welfare state for generations to come. The fund's future value depends on sustainable growth, well-functioning markets and value creation at the companies we own.
About the fund - Norges Bank Investment Management
The fund’s role is to ensure that our national wealth lasts for as long as possible. Its investments have an extremely long-term perspective, enabling it to cope with big swings in value in the short term.
The fund's value - Norges Bank Investment Management
The fund's value. The fund's value is affected by investment returns, capital inflows and exchange rates. It consists of global investments in companies, fixed income, unlisted real estate and renewable energy infrastructure.
Investments | Norges Bank Investment Management
The fund's investments are spread across most markets and currencies to capture global value creation and diversify risk as best as possible. About 70 percent is invested in equities and 30 percent in fixed income.
All investments | Norges Bank Investment Management
The investments of the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global. About us. Contact us About the fund Norges Bank Investment Management www.norges-bank.no Careers at the fund About this site ... Global fund; Total market value. 0 NOK . 70 countries; 11,083 investments; 100 % of all investments; Equities. 0 NOK . 63 countries; 8,659 companies; 71 ...
Fund returns - Norges Bank Investment Management
With a large, global fund and a 70 percent allocation to equities, we have to be prepared for considerable fluctuations in the fund’s return and market value. See the factors that may affect the fund and the markets in which we invest. Returns in international currency. The fund invests in international securities in foreign currency.
Responsible investment - Norges Bank Investment Management
The fund exists to help finance the Norwegian welfare state for future generations. The future value of the fund depends on sustainable growth, well-functioning markets and value creation at the companies we invest in.
Careers - Norges Bank Investment Management
We manage the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund on behalf of the people of Norway. The work we do impacts on everyone in the country, every day. This is an important and complex task which asks a great deal in terms of efficiency, compliance, accountability and transparency.
Reports - Norges Bank Investment Management
The fund’s market value grew by a record 3,336 billion kroner in 2023. The increase was mainly due to a strong return on 2,222 billion kroner and a weak krone. This took the fund past the 16 trillion kroner mark for the first time.
The history - Norges Bank Investment Management
Norges Bank Investment Management is set up on 1 January to manage the fund on behalf of the Ministry of Finance. Norges Bank Investment Management converts about 40 percent of the fund’s bond portfolio into equities within the first half of 1998.