Approx. price: 180 EUR the pair (price quoted with European VAT) Test samples bought and paid in full. It is now 4 years ago, that I wrote my first article on different moving coil transformers. At ...
Seguo la sua rubrica ogni fine settimana e la sua lucida visione, piano piano, sta facendo breccia sulle mie cattive inclinazioni in hi-fi (non le confesserò quali, ma sono molte). L'aiuto che chiedo ...
A long time ago, in an analogue era far away, preamps were complicated things, with volume, balance, tone and loudness controls. They also had phonostages, tape loops and outputs for headphones.
Oh no. Cables. Not that old HiFi chestnut again! Quick, shut him up HE IS GOING TO TALK ABOUT CABLES! The naked truth about cables? It is simply, that all this cable nonsense is Bovine Excrement! I am ...
Miracles do occasionally happen. Consider cylinder records and phonographs. Both disappeared from the market in 1929, by which point the players were yesterday's technology and much of the music ...
In the first installment of this series we had a look at the noise generated at the output of a number of easy to build and cheap voltage regulators: single-chip series and shunt regs (LM317/337 and ...
One of the most frequently asked questions on our Readers' Corner appears to be related to speakers placement. More precisely, audiophiles seem to be concerned by the presence of the rear wall, and ...
The above schematic comprises almost anything you can put around the ubiquitous LM317 positive 3-pin regulator (LM337 for negative voltages, 117 and 137 military versions). The basic circuit dispenses ...
mi chiamo Massimiliano e questa non è la prima volta che ti scrivo; forse ti ricorderai che un paio di mesi fa ti avevo chiesto una lista di dischi da usare come riferimento per valutare apparecchi e ...
Approx. price: 88 $/72 Euro (10ml bottle) - 255 Euro/312 US$ (50 ml bottle) (25% off on Summer orders) You already know the story as you've probably read the Inter.View with Dieter Ennemoser, the man ...
Why use transformers at all? For years, many phono stage designs came up with direct moving coil input, be it from Mark Levinson, be it from Accuphase, or many others. I am doing DIY transistor for ...
Amplifiers are a good second hand buy. The only moving parts are the switches and potentiometer so wear in this area should be very easy to spot. Just switch the amp on and with nothing playing but ...