Seven of the 42 doctors working for the Penta Hospitals network who submitted resignation notices haven't withdrawn them, spokesman for the network Tomas Kral told TASR on Tuesday, adding that this ...
A new version of the Slovak anthem will be broadcast on public television and radio after midnight on New Year's Eve, the Culture Ministry stated on Tuesday, adding that the anthem will be accompanied ...
In a response to information about a threat that doctors on notice will stop working as of the New Year (January 1), the Health Ministry stated on Monday (December 30) that it believes that a mutual ...
It is still questionable whether doctors running down their notice periods will continue to work as of January 1, 2025, with head of the Medical Trade Union Association (LOZ) Peter Visolajsky ...
Penta Hospitals considers the creation of inequality among employees at its hospitals to be unacceptable, calling draft amendments on changing the employment contracts of the doctors running down ...
Bratislava, December 31 (TASR) - Slovakia has prepared in advance for the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine to be halted as of January 1, 2025, and it has sufficient gas reserves and alternative ...
Bratislava, December 31 (TASR) - The Health Ministry will continue to work for a better Slovak health-care system, said Health Minister Kamil Sasko (Voice-SD) in response to the fact that doctors ...
Revúca 1. januára (TASR) - Mesto Revúca chce v roku 2025 realizovať dva projekty zamerané na modernizáciu miestnej infraštruktúry. Na ulici Magnezitárov plánuje vybudovať nové parkovisko, rekonštruova ...
New York 1. januára (TASR) - Slovenský hokejový útočník Martin Pospíšil si pripísal asistenciu pri víťaznom góle Calgary, ktoré v nočnom zápase NHL zvíťazilo nad Vancouverom 3:1. Bod za prihrávku zazn ...
Liptovský Hrádok 1. januára (TASR) - V slovenských pohoriach platí na Nový rok nad pásmom lesa malé lavínové nebezpečenstvo zodpovedajúce prvému stupňu päťdielnej medzinárodnej stupnice. Výnimkou je V ...
Žilina 1. januára (TASR) - Prvé tohtoročné dieťa prišlo v žilinskej pôrodnici na svet v stredu minútu pred šiestou hodinou ráno. Informovala o tom hovorkyňa Fakultnej nemocnice s poliklinikou Žilina Z ...
New York 1. januára (TASR) - Slovenský hokejový útočník Martin Pospíšil si pripísal asistenciu pri víťaznom góle Calgary, ktoré v nočnom zápase NHL zvíťazilo nad Vancouverom 3:1. Bod za prihrávku zazn ...