The government is urging residents near the main road not to hinder roadworks by demanding excessive compensation for the use of their land. This call from Works State Minister Musa Ecweru ...
In football news, Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU) became the first university this season to secure maximum points away ...
Youth leaders have been encouraged to follow the example of Pan-African leader and former Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah in ...
Uganda's Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja has urged global leaders to prioritize Africa's rapidly growing youth population, highlighting their potential to drive economic growth and ...
Members of the East African Legislative Assembly, EALA are calling for more funding in community policing to enhance law and ...
Abatuuze ku byalo eby’enjawulo mu gombolola y’e Bukatube mu disitulikiti y’e Mayuge basula bakukunadde nga lumonde mu kikata ...
Kampuni ya Nation Media Group Uganda edduukiridde abawala mu masomero ag’enjawulo mu Jinja n’ebikozesebwa mu nsonga z’ekikyala. Bano okudduukirira abawala bano bakizudde nga bangi bawanduka ...
Kamalabyonna wa Buganda Charles Peter Mayiga asabye ebitongole by’obwakabaka obuteesulirayo gwa nnagamba nga bannakigwanyizi bayogera amafukuule ku Buganda. Katikiro agamba abantu bangi baze bayogera ...
Bodybuilders from Kampala and surrounding areas will compete tomorrow at this year's Mr. and Mrs. Central Bodybuilding Championship at Mamerito Hotel in Bweyogerere. This event also serves as ...
Abatuuze b’e Kibibi garage B bategeezezza nga bwebagenda okugoba omuntu yenna ku kyalo singa asangibwa nga amansa kasasiro.
Abatwala eby’enjigiriza mu bitundu bya Busoga, balabuddwa ku kawuka ka siriimu akatandise okweriisa enkuli, naddala mu bavubuka. Bano bibabdde mulukungaana olutekeddwateekeddwa minisitule ...
Ssentebe wa disitulikiti y’e Kayunga akoze ekyukakyuka mu lukiiko lwe olufuzi olw’okuntikko. Kino kivudde ku bakansala kusooka okukomba kwerima nga baagala abamu ku babadde ku lukiiko luno okukyusibwa ...