Growing plants from seed in space under micro gravity is an important milestone for space biological research, to produce food in space and as an engaging activity for the astronauts in space during ...
119 ई.ओ.एस.-07 फ़रवरी 10, 2023 एस.एस.एल.वी.-डी2/ई.ओ.एस.-07 मिशन भू प्रेक्षण 118 आई ...
The Indian Navy represented by Directorate of Naval Oceanology and Meteorology (DNOM), Govt of India and National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL), Dept of Space, Govt of India have entered into ...
PS4-Orbital Experiment Module, designated as POEM, refers to the usage of the spent fourth stage of the Polar Synchronous Launch Vehicle (PSLV). It provides an opportunity for the scientific community ...
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and European Space Agency (ESA) have entered into an agreement to cooperate on activities related to Astronaut Training, Mission Implementation and Research ...
It was on December 18. 2014, that the Indian Coast Guard recovered the Crew Module from the turbulent seas of Bay of Bengal, approximately 1600 km from SDSC-SHAR. On the morning of the same day, ...
Sundials are horological devices that indicate the time of day using the shadow cast by the apparent position of the sun. Used as early as 1500 BCE in Ancient Egypt and Babylon, sundials were among ...