San Miniato will certainly catch your eye as you drive the main highway back and forth from Pisa to Florence; it sits high and pretty, just beckoning to you to come and visit it's quiet streets and ...
La Toscana è certamente tra le più belle regioni d'Italia. Grazie agli indimenticabili paesaggi, all'ottimo vino e all'eccellente cibo tipico, la Toscana viene visitata ogni anno da milioni di persone ...
Traveling around Tuscany, from north to south and east to west, means lots of moving around. When you calculate meals, a rental car, entrance fees to museums, it becomes quite clear that a holiday in ...
Barga is a hilltop town in the Garfagnana valley in northwestern Tuscany which offers many historical and artistic buildings to visit. Stroll along its quaint streets to discover the wonderful San ...
Checking the environmental standards is a good thing but this list doesn't take into consideration lots of other factors we generally consider as personal preferences when choosing a beach, for ...
Plan relaxation into your vacation... to really take a vacation! We often forget to take time out from our daily routines, to plan some downtime and just relax or to even pamper ourselves a bit. So we ...
The via Setteponti follows the traces of what was once the Etruscan and Roman routes connecting two major points of interest: Florence and Arezzo. This itinerary makes an exciting and panoramic road ...
The Museo Civico, the city museum of Siena is situated at the heart of the city, in the first floor of the city hall known as Palazzo Pubblico in the main square of Piazza del Campo. Palazzo Pubblico ...
Have you ever been to the Caribbean without having to fly there? How strange this question is, you may wonder, since you’re in Tuscany but believe me, once you’re here it won’t be necessary to take a ...
Maremma is a large region of Tuscany that goes from Cecina to Tarquina in Lazio. Clear seas, long narrow beaches with black stone accents, round hills, thick woods and mountains are just a few of the ...
The Battle of the Bridge, a historic tradition of Pisa, is held annually on the last Saturday of June, after the renowned San Ranieri celebrations. As the name indicated, this special event takes ...
The Perfect Mix of Architecture, Food & Tradition built to represent a "Utopian City" Pienza is a tiny village in southern Tuscany in the beautiful valley called Val d'Orcia we highly recommend you ...