A species of tropical tree snail is no longer extinct in the wild following a successful reintroduction project.
Combining screening for lung and kidney cancers – for both of which smoking is a risk factor – could help identify ...
Around one in 30 flights produces a persistent contrail, a region of cloud that can trap heat and increase the climate impact ...
Researchers have discovered that seabirds, including penguins and albatrosses, have highly-sensitive regions in their beaks ...
Monoclonal antibodies – treatments developed by cloning a cell that makes an antibody – could help provide an answer to the ...
When we took on our particular challenge, much of what we proposed was science fiction ...
Cambridge researchers have shown that reducing the serving size for beer, lager and cider reduces the volume of those drinks consumed in pubs, bars and ...
Flowers like hibiscus use an invisible blueprint established very early in petal formation that dictates the size of their ...
Cambridge and Arup have been working together for more than 60 years, making our world safer and more sustainable.
For over thirty years I have been convinced that Mediterranean archaeology has been missing something fundamental ...