1. Publish the author or authors' name (s) and the title as written on the original column, and give credit to the Texas Politics Project at the University of Texas at Austin (and, if possible, a link ...
More Respondents were asked, "More specifically, do you support or oppose each of the following....Deporting immigrants who were allowed into the U.S. because of political persecution or safety ...
More Respondents were asked, "How do you feel about the following statement: Generally speaking, the way state government runs in Texas serves as a good model for other states to follow?" More ...
More Respondents were asked, "Thinking about legal immigration, do you think the United States allows too many people to immigrate here from other countries, too few, or about the right amount?" More ...
More Respondents were asked, "Do each of the following state taxes have a major, minor, or no impact on your personal finances? The franchise tax (the state’s primary business tax)." More Respondents ...
More Respondents were asked, "How important is it for the legislature to accomplish each of the following while meeting in Austin for its 140-day legislative session? Increase access to mental health ...
More Respondents were asked, "Do each of the following state taxes have a major, minor, or no impact on your personal finances? Taxes on alcohol and tobacco." More Respondents were asked, "Do each of ...
More Respondents were asked, "How much have you heard in the news about each of the following: Efforts to deport undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States." More Respondents were ...
More Respondents were asked, "Do each of the following state taxes have a major, minor, or no impact on your personal finances? Motor fuels (gasoline) tax." More Respondents were asked, "Do each of ...
More Respondents were asked, "How much have you heard in the news about each of the following: Operation Lone Star." More Respondents were asked, "How much have you heard in the news about each of the ...
More Respondents were asked, "Please tell us whether you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, neither favorable nor unfavorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable opinion of the ...