Trece años después del estreno de la primera película de Avatar en 2009, el director James Cameron invita a los espectadores a viajar de regreso a la exuberante exo-luna lejana de Pandora con una ...
“The Neuroscience of Autism,” von Rajesh Kana, ist das jüngste Lehrbuch zur Geschichte, Charakterisierung und Neurowissenschaft der Autismus-Spektrum-Störung. Lauren Wagner führt uns in diesem Artikel ...
Kate graduated from Scripps College in 2009 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Neuroscience, completing the cellular and molecular track with honors. As an undergraduate, she studied long-term ...
Most people don’t think of the brain and the immune system as partners in maintaining one’s health. Yet, in recent years, the field of neuroimmunology has uncovered a fascinating and complex ...
One of the processes that help with the adaptation is called remapping… the brain reevaluates what is the most important and informative landmark in the environment and builds its navigation system ...
La neurociencia es un campo científico amplio que incluye varios tipos de investigación. Esta investigación abarca desde el nivel microscópico, como las interacciones básicas de las proteínas, los ...
Cells found in the entorhinal and orbitofrontal cortices that allow the agent to track their position in space by integrating information about direction and distance (Hafting et al., 2005). Megan ...
Cells in the hippocampus that signal the position of an agent in the environment. Each place cell is responsive to one (and only one) given subregion of the current space, in which its firing rate ...