On the side of the coin on the left is the head of a man facing right, wearing the skin from an elephant's head, trunk turned up and tusks protruding out, small dots surround the border. The other ...
The vessel has a wide shallow rim and two horizontal handles and one long handle which connects to the rim. In red, black, and yellow there is a scene in two tiers. The lower tier depicts a man ...
The vessel is round, narrowing slightly at the top and base with two high handles. It is painted black and in red there is a seated figure holding two spears. There are three other figures standing ...
A robed figure with a waist-length beard floats horizontally in the air, and swirling lines around him indicate a rush of wind. Below him on the ground, a bearded bare-chested white haired man at left ...
A nude male body, depicted from the knees upwards, is drawn in red chalk.
According to Greek mythology, Aeolus lived on the island Aeolia, identified today with Lipari or Stromboli, north of Sicily. He kept the winds in a cave and released them to help or impede nautical ...
This is a figure made out of dark metal with mottled green discoloration on the surface. The upper half of the figure is a human male, with both arms straight up above the figures head. The arms are ...
In front of a tent at right, and a small folding table with written documents, George Washington stands facing us and looking directly at us with a confident expression. His gray hair pulled back, he ...
In a lavish room with ornate tapestries, a young woman with fair skin and long light brown hair lies against cushions on the floor, with only a silk sheet wrapped around her legs. A hookah and a fan ...
A rectangular marble relief portrays Hermes striding to the right in profile with only his right arm in view holding the infant Dionysos in front of him. The infant is wrapped in an ample folded ...
The painting of a man wearing a tuxedo standing in front of a light gray wall. The left arm is bent at waist level, the hand holds a small white object between the fingers. The right arm is bent in a ...
In the foreground at center, lying on the hard desert ground, are the bodies of four men dressed in robes and cloth headdresses. Two more slain bodies are seen at left, and two more at right. Behind ...