After a week of meetings in Puebla and Mexico City, Fr. Miguel Angel Hernandez reinforces the missionary commitment of the ...
Six years after their arrival in Indonesia, the missionaries celebrated their work of evangelization during the Mass ...
A reflection by Wilmer Moyetones on the mission of consecrated life in times of crisis: to be beacons of light and hope.
On June 12, 2018, seven Augustinian Recollect nuns from Mexico began the experience of the community of the Monastery of Our Lady of Candelaria in Bogota. Over the years the community has been ...
Jonathan Jamero is an Augustinian Recollect non-clerical religious. He arrived from the Philippines to Sierra Leone in 2008, first in the mission of Kamabai and later in Kamalo. Among his main ...
La Recolección agustiniana, que nació en 1588, encuentra en el 16 de septiembre de 1912 uno de sus hitos históricos. Ese día, el papa san Pio X promulgó el breve Religiosas familias, a través del cual ...
The Prior General, Friar Miguel Angel Hernandez, has begun his visit to the communities in Mexico and the United States. Miguel Ángel Hernández, has begun his visit to the communities of Mexico and ...
In today’s Gospel passage, three parts are easily recognized. In the first, Jesus is alone with the twelve disciples and questions them about their identity: about what people think of him and about ...
The nuns of the Royal Convent of Santa Isabel, in the heart of Madrid, have started a new project. Since this summer, these sisters have entered the world of sewing and make clothes for babies and ...
Las monjas del Real Convento de Santa Isabel, en el corazón de Madrid, han comenzado un nuevo proyecto: El Portalico. Desde este verano, estas hermanas se han adentrado en el mundo de la costura y ...