British Prime Minister Keir Starmer's government will retain a ban on asylum seekers being able to claim protections under ...
It is sometimes claimed that Mark Darcy in the Bridget Jones’ Diary series is based on Keir Starmer. One is an upright, ...
The US President, a real estate mogul with a fondness for fast food, and the Prime Minister, a pescatarian former human ...
The Government is expected to seek to bring the measures into force as soon as possible once the legislation is approved by MPs and Lords.
The attack democratic rights by the British state, headed by Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour government, escalated in the aftermath ...
The Prime Minister has warned a similar atrocity could happen again unless society upholds its duty to ‘make never again ...
The former Home Secretary suggested Britain could become "the first Islamist nation with nuclear weapons", with the UK falling "into the hands of Muslim fundamentalism" within 20 years ...
Backlash as thousands of children to be detained under new Labour borders bill - Keir Starmer has been joined by Gordon Brown ...
Pair argued it would be ‘irrational’ not to bring the man over from Iraq for a trial while heading his legal team in 2006 Sir Keir Starmer and his Attorney General previously worked together ...
Former Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams has said any compensation he receives as a former Troubles internee will be donated to ...
Having emerged from the aircraft with her baby, one young mother was asked by the press if she had a message for others like her. In mournful tones, she replied: “Don’t leave. Don’t go to the US ...
Ministers and No10 said they were blocked by international convention from increasing the maximum sentence handed to juvenile ...