For the impacted families, it is a waking nightmare. For the United States, it is the latest failure of Washington to tame ...
China ended its international adoption program in September, leaving families in the middle of applications in limbo.
A program that offered new lives to abandoned infants also increasingly depended on abuse, abduction, and trafficking.
The U.S. Department of State owes it to the families who have invested time and energy into the adoption process from China ...
The move will mean more kids, particularly those with special needs, will spend their entire childhoods in orphanages, a ...
Faith-based adoption organization Lifeline Children's Services weighed in on China stopping foreign adoptions and how the ...
After more than three decades of enforcing its one-child policy, the Chinese Communist Party is now seeking to incentivize ...
These precious children, all with special needs, have been stranded too long in institutions, which, at best, are temporary ...
A now-ended adoption program created the perception that Chinese girls weren’t valued. Once hidden in a grocery bag, an ...
China is ending international baby adoptions but for those who were sent overseas as infants, the search for belonging and ...
The Maryland couple has been waiting years to bring home the girl they planned to adopt. She was 8 when they started the ...