Baltimore City Council President Zeke Cohen and five other council members ask residents to make their voices heard about their high BGE bills ...
Troy Williams has lived in the same home in East Baltimore for 60 years, and his BGE bill has never been higher. "The bill looks like $238, $250. Usually I was paying like $130, $135, something like ...
Baltimore City leaders went door-to-door in an East Baltimore neighborhood on Thursday to get feedback on the rising ...
City Councilman Antonio Glover took to the streets of Northeast Baltimore, going door to door to discuss the impact of recent ...
Baltimore City Councilmembers held a community walk Thursday to talk with residents about their high Baltimore Gas and ...
Baltimore City Councilmembers held a community walk Thursday to talk with residents about their high Baltimore Gas and ...
Baltimore City Councilmembers held a community walk Thursday to talk with residents about their high Baltimore Gas and Electric bills.
The fight against Baltimore Gas and Electric Company’s planned rate increases escalated Thursday as a contingent of city ...
Sen. Mary Beth Carozza, R-District 38, whose district encompasses portions of the Lower Eastern Shore, is a member of the ...
With Baltimoreans still stuggling to pay their energy bills, Baltimore City Council President Zeke Cohen, along with other ...