The company issued a statement, saying the complex, including the carbon dioxide pipeline, will comply with all state and federal laws and regulations. "Our pipeline route predominantly follows an ...
The Bureau of Land Management issued a decision record and finding of no significant impact approving a subsurface ...
This restriction extends to Summit Carbon Solutions, an Ames, Iowa-based developer with plans to build an $8.9 billion liquid carbon dioxide pipeline. The planned transmission line, if built ...
“We want as many ethanol producers to be able to sequester their CO2 as possible.” North Dakota Gov. Kelly Armstrong said Tuesday he doesn’t know how Summit will get its pipeline into North ...
The developer's initial plans were to build a carbon dioxide pipeline across five states, including South Dakota. If built, the $8.9 billion transmission line would run about 2,500 miles across ...
It was a good legislative session for fossil fuel producers in Wyoming, as well as those who want to produce carbon dioxide for enhanced oil recovery. Lawmakers passed House Bill 75 ...
It was a good legislative session for fossil fuel producers in Wyoming, as well as those ... colleagues during the session. “The [carbon dioxide] pipeline is fully constricted, fully at capacity ...
Republican South Dakota Governor Larry Rhoden signed a bill Thursday banning the use of eminent domain for carbon dioxide pipelines, ensuring land protections for farmers across the state.
The more than 5,000 miles of CO2 pipelines in the U.S. are primarily used for enhanced oil recovery, a process that injects carbon dioxide into old oil reserves to squeeze out leftover deposits.
It was a good legislative session for fossil fuel producers in Wyoming ... finding enough carbon dioxide for enhanced oil recovery,” Green River Republican Scott Heiner told his colleagues during the ...
The more than 5,000 miles of CO2 pipelines in the U.S. are primarily used for enhanced oil recovery, a process that injects ...