Narmada, representing Tamil Nadu, clinched the top podium finish with a score of 254.4, beating back the challenge from Maharashtra's Arya Borse (252.5) and Ramita (230.4) in the eight-shooter final.
The L.A. Times reports that there is “mounting concern” that the U.S. is "not ready to welcome the more than 6 million visitors who will flood North America" for the 2026 FIFA World Cup. Fans, ...
Orlando City will return to compete in this year's Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup competition.
Saudi Arabia club Al-Hilal says it has reached an agreement with Brazilian striker Neymar to terminate his contract by mutual ...
The biggest World Cup in history will start to take shape in 2025, with a slate of qualifying matches taking place in March, ...
ESPN ranks every one of the 24 qualifiers, and forecasts who will go the distance at the continental showpiece in Morocco later this year.
Africa Cup of Nations draw was conducted at a glitzy, vibrant ceremony on Monday, with big hitters like Nigeria and Morocco getting fairly favourable draws, while others, like South Africa, will be ...
When the United States, Canada and Mexico were awarded the 2026 men’s World Cup in June 2018, the tournament felt an eternity away. That year’s edition in Russia was about to get going and the fever ...
The draw for the 2025/26 edition of the Africa Cup of Nations takes place in Rabat, as the 24 teams learn their opponents for the 35th edition of the tournament.
Kylian Mbappe had already won 17 trophies and scored 329 career goals before making his predestined move to Real Madrid. And ...
Everything you need to know about the 2026 men's World Cup - from how many teams will play to the stadiums that will be used ...
Canadian freestyle skier Lewis Irving reached his first World Cup podium in two years with a men's aerials silver medal on ...