Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, the Disney+ animated series about Peter Parker's first year in high school, has already been renewed for a Season 2 and Season 3. Speaking to The Movie ...
“Weathering the Storm” is a new series documenting severe weather events across the country and how communities rally together in the face of devastation. Hear heart-pounding stories of some ...
SIXTEEN YEARS AGO, Parvati Shallow was one of the leaders of an all-female alliance on "Survivor: Micronesia ... as the "Banker's Island." Through a series of challenges, contestants hunt ...
The Australian actor, a 2023 graduate of the National Institute of Dramatic Arts in Sydney, has landed his first TV role, and it’s the lead of an on-air series, MGM+’s Robin Hood. The casting ...
Michael Maliani is producer. The series incorporates a “yarn-based animation style blending AI and hand-drawn characters and backgrounds”. Voice cast is being worked out now. The kids show ...
"I hope I'm wrong," says survivor Ivor Perl. "But there's […] a saying that if one doesn't learn from history, you're cursed to live through it again." Ivor is nearly 93 years old and it took ...
Nature is vital. It provides our life-support system. But our one shared home is under threat like never before. So at WWF Cymru, we’re fighting to restore habitats and species and to build a Wales ...
To learn more about some of this week’s other most-watched series, you can go deeper by checking out our previous coverage of some of the Netflix originals on this list, such as the dark and ...
Saul Dreier, survivor:At 99, this amazing Holocaust survivor and musician is still beating the drum for peace Lack of knowledge about the horrors 'deeply disturbing' A notable percentage of ...
B-Lines are an imaginative and beautiful solution to the problem of the loss of flowers and pollinators. The B-Lines are a series of ‘insect pathways’ running through our countryside and towns. They ...
Alec and Hilaria Baldwin are bringing their big family to TLC. The couple first announced their upcoming reality series, tentatively titled “The Baldwins,” in a kid-filled video they jointly ...