Oh, what a baseball season this will be! Using extrasensory powers that have been described as “astounding,” “breathtaking” and “phony as a Cracker Jack diamond ring,” I present this sneak preview of ...
Philippe Fournier created 338Canada, the apolitical poll aggregator and analyst known for sticking to the data: 'I look at it coldly' You can save this article by registering for free here.
The Fox News poll is the latest national survey to Trump’s approval rating slightly underwater, and it’s also the latest to indicate a massive partisan divide over the president and his agenda.
Here's how Trump is polling after his first two months in office. Despite the chaotic start to his second term, mired with the high price of eggs, mass firings of government workers, the onslaught ...
The failed 2024 presidential nominee received 36% support from Democratic and Democratic-leaning independent voters in the early 2028 primary poll conducted by Morning Consult. Harris ...
Several national surveys show Trump faring the same or better than in previous surveys, with the president holding a significant approval lead over the Democratic Party in a pair of polls.
With our World's Most Beautiful issue on stands soon, we want your input on the gorgeous stars and standout moments right now Alex Apatoff is the Executive Editor of PEOPLE Digital. She has worked ...
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove.