In het kader van de week van de vrijwilliger organiseert Levenslijn Damme een wandeling op woensdag 5 maart, die vertrekt ...
The original Predator design was drastically different from the imposing mandible-faced creature that would eventually appear on screen. Initial concepts envisioned a more insect-like alien with a ...
Benieuwd naar de uitslagen van Lovendegem, Vinderhoute, Waarschoot en Zomergem uit Lievegem het afgelopen weekend? Je leest ...
Joe Rogan was determined to strangle Wesley Snipes, even with a pay cut, had they fought the early 2000s match. Thankfully ...
Another '80s and '90s action star who has fallen out of the spotlight a bit is Jean-Claude Van Damme. Like a lot of his fellow action stars, he wasn't always the easiest person to work with on set, ...