Legends, pioneers and backcountry hopefuls alike came together for the Utah Avalanche Center at the second annual Blizzard Ball on Thursday evening.
The Utah Avalanche Center warned of dangerous avalanche conditions expected to develop across northern Utah beginning ...
The center bumped up the avalanche danger to moderate Friday due to an increase in winds, especially in upper elevations.
"Heavy snowfall and strong winds may be sufficient to overload very weak snow layers and cause a widespread cycle of avalanches large enough to bury, injure, or kill a person." ...
We provide Severe Weather Warnings for potentially hazardous or dangerous weather that is not solely related to severe thunderstorms, tropical cyclones or bushfires. We provide Coastal Hazard Warnings ...
Tropical cyclones are dangerous storms that threaten lives, property and infrastructure. Our cyclone warning services help keep communities safe. For emergency assistance during a tropical cyclone, ...