Sometimes getting through the semi-finals of a competition is harder than what it takes to win. The same can be said for this year’s Oakland Schools Scripps Regional Spelling Bee. In the ninth round, ...
In the ninth round, eighth grader Sanvi Mandvekar from Larson Middle School in Troy correctly spelled “ordinance,” the word ...
Canada's TVOkids has lined up the animated series Woolly Woolly, based on Anna Hrachovec's beloved Mochimochi Land brand, for a March debut.
For the second year in a row, James Elementary in Ottumwa invited our John Redfield into their classrooms to speak with 4th and 5th graders about journalism and ...
A fourth-grade class project at Castleton Elementary School has gone viral on Tik Tok. The project, aimed to expand the ...
The Imagination Library mails a free, carefully selected books to children each month to encourage the love of reading and ...
This indie label explores what fashion can be when it is made using existing materials and presented off the runway.
I have the honor (and fun) as part of the two-person cast to take part in a two-performance Valentine’s Day weekend run of playwright A.R. Gurney’s play “Love Letters.” I’m starring ...
Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), a physician, voted to send Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s nomination tp be Health and Human Services secretary to the Senate Tuesday. (Jose Luis Magana / Associated Press) ...
In fact, more than 15,000 physicians signed a letter urging the Senate not to confirm Kennedy’s nomination. His own cousin, former U.S. Ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy, who has known ...
God bless and hang tough. Nan Alvord Manassas Park, Va. Letters to the Editor should be exclusive to The Globe and Mail. Include your name, address and daytime phone number. Keep letters to 150 ...
In the following days, a screenshot of the exchange received viral spread online. For example, on February 7th, 2021, Instagram [3] page someweebwatchingcartoons posted the screenshot, with the post ...