People often over-report the number of working smoke alarms that are in their home, which leads to missed education and ...
That extra warning time can mean the difference from light damage to a total loss in an emergency. Sadly at the moment, there's no one smart smoke detector that really stands out. Our favorite for ...
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) announced the development of an AI sensor for unwanted alarm ...
False fire alarms can be a big problem, wasting time, money, and emergency resources. Now, a team of South Korean researchers ...
A group of South Korean researchers has developed an intelligent fire detection technology that drastically reduces the false alarm incidents, which go off in the absence of a real fire, and is on the ...
In 2018, Five young children died after a fire broke out overnight in their apartment in Greensboro. Investigators say the smoke alarm was not working. Since then, ...
In light of the tragic fire that claimed the lives of two teenagers, area fire companies and the American Red Cross are ...
Syracuse, N.Y. -- City residents can now get free carbon monoxide detectors installed by Syracuse firefighters, in addition ...