Medetomidine, a veterinary drug, is becoming more common in Philadelphia’s street opioid supply than even xylazine. Above, a ...
Zhanette Coffee, Ph.D., MSN, APRN, spent years working as an advanced practice nurse with certifications in family practice ...
DEA and HHS have delayed implementation of two rules for telehealth prescribing of buprenorphine until the end of the year to ...
Researchers have developed a new type of oral painkiller for chronic abdominal pain, inspired by the peptide hormone oxytocin, which is known for triggering contractions during childbirth. Researchers ...
Martin Akatch walks into Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital’s medically assisted therapy clinic on a sunny Tuesday morning for a routine counselling session.After spending hours in ...
The map allows Texans to type in an address or zip code to see where the over-the-counter drug Narcan can be purchased or ...
We are excited to present four posters with important real-world data from our differentiated pain portfolio at PainConnect 2025 and are grateful to AAPM for selecting our poster at its meeting as a ...
The in-house unit will enable jail staff to treat incarcerated individuals suffering with opioid use disorder even if they ...
The plaintiff, who took prescription amphetamines and opioids, could not be reached by a medical review officer within 48 ...
Mothers who lost their children to fentanyl deaths, from left, Laura Didier, Laura Collanton, Elizabeth Dillender and Gina ...
and its mission will be to abate the opioid crisis that has been linked to hundreds of thousands of deaths in the U.S. since ...