We praise you, Lord, in this daughter of Israel, who sang the songs of David, who knew the deeds of Judith, and held in her heart the burning words of Isaiah. We pray as Mary did: may your name be ...
When you feel a burden, bring it to God and seek His direction through prayer and fasting. God wants to do great deeds ...
The rosary is more than a prayer. It symbolizes our destiny in and with God according to Mary's example. To live up to this destiny, we need faith in God's marvelous deeds for us, perseverance in his ...
You are probably familiar with the “sinner's prayer ... Prior to being born-again through faith in Christ alone, Luther relied upon his religious deeds and pious efforts to get into Heaven.
The angel that records the good deeds is on your ... of their Five Pillars of faith every day by praying, and why it inspires them to say things like: 'When I pray, it reminds me to be thankful.