The Pottawatomie Sheriff says detectives with his office are investigating after a landowner found human remains on their property south of Tecumseh Thursday evening.
News 4 received the public comments submitted regarding the new Oklahoma State Board of Education social studies standards, and only one comment was in support of them.
Pollsters that meet at least two of the three criteria below are considered “select pollsters” by The Times, as long as they ...
In 2022, the Wisconsin Supreme Court, then dominated by conservatives, banned the ballot drop boxes that had been used for ...
In terms of its “surprise factor,” Shaheen’s announcement fell somewhere in between those of her two aforementioned Democratic colleagues, neither of whom could be considered old by Senate standards, ...
The University of Wisconsin-Madison College Democrats and College Republicans are campaigning on abortion rights and public safety for the Wisconsin Supreme Court race.
Patricia Ice, whose absentee vote in Jackson’s Democratic primary was voided due to the city placing her in the wrong ward, ...
Director of the Winthrop Poll outlines the main reasons behind our political polarization, frustration and the extreme nature ...
Democrats are confronting stark divisions within their party as leaders grapple with their losses in the 2024 election cycle ...
Maggie Kulyk, a progressive donor and activist in the Atlanta area, has a long list of worries about President Donald Trump: ...
With the end of the three-year federal government term rapidly approaching, here’s everything you need to know about casting ...
CNN Electoral Map. The map below displays CNN's best estimate of the key states that will likely decide the 2012 presidential election. Determining what qualifies as a battlegroun ...