Robots are going to destroy the world. We know this to be true. But before that time comes, you can fight them or play as them in video games and not fear the end that’s coming. Robots are often ...
Frontiers has been released, the team are rtolling out the first of the new mechs, starting with a Cyclops design ...
Frontiers is a tactical mech action game developed and published by My Games. It’s free-to-play, allowing online players to ...
Frontiers, a tactical online mech shooter, was released on PC and console. The game allows you to create over 5 million ...
The title is available via PC and consoles (including the PS4 and Xbox One) and offers full cross play capabilities.
The F2P mech-combat title releases today on PC and consoles, specifically the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and ...