New observations have revealed early signs of UV light illuminating the cosmos more than 13 billion years ago.
Explore HubbleHubble HomeOverviewAbout HubbleThe History of HubbleHubble TimelineWhy Have a Telescope in Space?Hubble by the ...
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has captured an image of an Einstein ring, a rare optical illusion caused by ...
Red specks in the early universe are puzzling astronomers, but a proposed explanation suggests they are the progenitors of ...
Astronomers have uncovered a spiral galaxy nearly a billion light-years away that hosts a supermassive black hole launching ...
Euclid, a European space telescope, just captured 26 million galaxies to reveal the secrets of the dark universe.
As the great detective said, "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the ...
Could our galaxy actually be inside a black hole? New research seems to suggest this possibility. NASA's James Webb Telescope ...
Astrophysicists Capture Astonishing Images of Gamma-Ray Flare from ... neighborhoods of supermassive black ... NASA's Hubble Finds That a Black Hole Beam Promotes Stellar Eruptions Sep. 26 ...
NASA discovered a supermassive black hole at the center of galaxy M87, 52 million light years from Earth. It's 2.6 billion ...
Scientists at NASA revealed evidence that demonstrates that M87 contains a supermassive black hole located at its center.
New research from a professor at the Kansas State University that used imaging from the James Webb Space Telescope gives ...