Multiple flight modes (Normal, Headless, Angle-Limited) Low-pass filtering for smoother response Throttle PID Attenuation (TPA) to prevent oscillations at high throttle Advanced motor mixing table for ...
Flight spotting isn’t something I’ve ever ... I have newfound respect for air traffic controllers. Homescreen heroes This is part of a regular series of articles exploring the apps that ...
The Nintendo Switch has an abundance of controllers to choose from, but nothing quite hits like the N64 or GameCube controllers. We’ve seen re-releases of them in various forms over the years, and ...
Abstract: With the strong battlefield application environment of the next generation fighter, based on the design of distributed vehicle management system, a fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control ...
Air traffic control at Orlando International airport cancelled the take-off clearance for a Southwest Airlines-operated Boeing 737 that began its take-off roll on a taxiway.