The lunar module was a whimsically ugly machine ... when you’re flying through the atmosphere. Here, the Apollo XI LEM has separated from the command module and hangs, seemingly upside down ...
the limiting factor would have become how long the crew could realistically remain cooped up in the tiny Lunar Excursion Module (LEM). In comparison, the Artemis program is far more ambitious.
Two astronauts would descend to the Moon’s surface in a Lunar Excursion Module (LEM), and another LEM would be already there. The plan refers to each as the LEM Taxi and LEM Shelter, respectively.
And who brings this to a party? We were looking at what is rumored to be the only remaining paper copy of the Lunar Module’s source code . This is the source code book used by Don Eyles during ...
Blue Ghost, the lunar module from Firefly Aerospace, made an impressive capture while on its way to the Moon. O post Lunar ...