Kosiba, Steve 2019. New Digs: Networks, Assemblages, and the Dissolution of Binary Categories in Anthropological Archaeology. American Anthropologist, Vol. 121, Issue ...
E lo guida una donna che ha saputo sovvertire le previsioni maligne sulla sua leadership e si è guadagnata rispetto in ogni sede (pur constatando, per esempio nel mancato voto a Ursula von del ...
But in this era of hyperpartisanship, division and distrust threatened to slow the Mar-a-Lago investigation. For the first time, one of the FBI officials publicly explains why. U.S. working on a ...
In 2023, the club took in around $40 million, which is double what the club made in 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic put a damper on events. The figure is also triple what Mar-a-Lago made in 2014 ...
But the hyperpatisanship of contemporary American politics had seeped into the Mar-a-Lago investigation and threatened to slow it. The stakes were high for all of those in the room — potentially ...
Un tuffo per rinfrescarsi nelle acque del lago in una calda giornata estiva di settembre si è trasformato in tragedia nel pomeriggio a Castel Gandolfo, vicino a Roma. Due ragazzi ventenni del ...
Si stanno vivendo momenti drammatici e di profonda apprensione presso il Lago Albano di Castel Gandolfo, dove nel primo pomeriggio di oggi sono scattate le ricerche di due giovani dispersi nelle ...
When a member of Donald Trump’s exclusive Mar-a-Lago invited Joni Bryan’s nonprofit to hold its annual gala at the Palm Beach club in 2021, Bryan jumped at the chance. The executive director ...
Ex-Secret Service agent Dan Bongino accused the Secret Service of denying a request by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for "enhanced" protection at Mar-a-Lago because the property ...
Special counsel Jack Smith is urging a federal appeals court to revive the Mar-a-Lago case against Donald Trump (AP) The former president faced 40 separate charges stemming from allegations that ...
Due giornalisti sono rimasti feriti e un terzo è ritenuto disperso in seguito ad un attacco lanciato la notte scorsa dalle forze russe contro un hotel a Kramatorsk, nell’Ucraina orientale: lo ...
After the mayor of Palm Beach said the town would look into closing Mar-a-Lago, the Secret Service agreed to reopen South Ocean Boulevard, the road running alongside the resort, under a new schedule.