In the age of streaming and every song ever recorded being available at the poke of a touchscreen, the idea of curating an album seems odd. The notion that artists put tracks in a specific order for ...
One hopes that Stone, on the other side of this reappraisal, might one day get the treatment enjoyed by Led Zeppelin in their own new documentary, which depicts the British quartet as secure ...
In a public session held Oct. 28, 1965, during the closing months of the Second Vatican Council, Pope St. Paul VI solemnly approved Christus Dominus, the decree “On the Pastoral Office of ...
Yardbirds drummer Jim McCarty: “They [Zeppelin] did come up with good stuff - some of it a bit borrowed [laughs]. But they played it great.” , Contributor. Forbes contributors publish ...
The song – originally recorded by Led Zeppelin in 1969 and released on Led Zeppelin II – is one of a number of unreleased tracks that will be included on a reissue of Live At The Greek ...
The singer told Rolling Stone, after losing his son, “I found that the excesses that surrounded Led Zeppelin were such that nobody knew where the actual axis of all this stuff was. Everybody was ...
"That is as inspiring as any Beatles record, any Zeppelin record, any AC/DC record, any Stones record. “To watch her play the drums and see her passion and belief in this music... If that doesn’t ...
Portrait artist Leibovitz, 75, who famously photographed the late Queen Elizabeth II in the White Drawing Room at Buckingham Palace in 2007, shot the couple at the Royal Palace of Madrid ...
The journey to this fan-led strip started in February last year ... Rule 34.14 on number of players’ shirts states: “When playing in a match each player shall wear a shirt on the back of ...
Jason Bonham will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of Physical Graffiti on his upcoming Led Zeppelin Evening US tour. The outing runs through the month of May, kicking off on May 3rd in Wallingford ...
On the heels of a successful tour that wrapped last December, Jason Bonham’s Led Zeppelin Evening/JBLZE is back with another round of U.S. dates. The latest tour will be a first for JBLZE as it ...