The new film, “A Complete Unknown,” tells the story of Bob Dylan’s rise to success in the early 1960s, but the movie leaves ...
Based on the book “Dylan Goes Electric!: Newport, Seeger, Dylan, and the Night That Split the Sixties” by Elijah Wald, “A ...
With a career as extensive and a repertoire about as wide-ranging as it gets, legendary songbird Judy Collins says a passion ...
Monica Barbaro, who portrays Joan Baez in James Mangold’s powerful awards-season contender A Complete Unknown, about how Bob ...
"'A Complete Unknown' is a step above its recently released music biopic peers, namely 'Elvis' and 'Bohemian Rhapsody,' but ...
Playing Joan Baez to Timothée Chalamet’s Dylan in “A Complete Unknown,” Monica Barbaro took up sketching and picking.
Joan Baez and Bob Dylan were a couple in the early 1960s. She shared one reason why she believed they didn't work out in the end.
Each generation has its musical “Big Bang,” a moment that launches a new wave of bands and artists.
As Hollywood insiders weigh in on Chalamet’s big year, sources also reveal the surprising thing the actor and Kylie Jenner ...
A Complete Unknown is James Mangold's micro-biopic of Bob Dylan that stars Timothée Chalamet. Mangold adapted the script with ...
The mom and sister of Suze Rotolo — known as Sylvie Russo in “A Complete Unknown” — hated her boyfriend Bob Dylan, and he got ...