Makoto Shinkai is an increasingly beloved auteur director with each new release, but HIDIVE is home to one of his best hidden ...
"Old" is a relative term; not everything millennials and previous generations hold sacred should be considered ancient just yet.
Princess Mononoke might've dodged a bullet by not giving Harvey Weinstein the reigns but who they ultimately went too might ...
O ne summer, when I still had baby teeth, my dad and I got caught in a ripper of a thunderstorm in the White National Forest.
By acknowledging the darkness in the world while celebrating life's beauty, Hayao Miyazaki crafts films that resonate on a ...
If you’re a fan of animated Sherlock Holmes adaptations like The Great Mouse Detective, Hayao Miyazaki's Sherlock Hound is ...
From the perilous volcanic Mount Doom to the desolate desert planet of Arakis, we've traveled to places that are far beyond ...
Here are some highly rated films to try, plus a look at what's coming out in January.
As we come to the end of 2024, we, are looking through Hollywood’s most major trends — though we might not be checking them ...