Explore the significance of the Hail Mary prayer and its biblical origins in today's Gospel. Understand the different types of prayer and the role of Mary in Christian worship.
Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, and 1 Glory be Sacred Heart of Jesus, I put all my trust in thee. III. O my Jesus, you said, verily I say to you, "heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words ...
There is another means of obtaining God's grace, and it is prayer. Q ... subjects or points for meditation in the words of the Our Father, Hail Mary or Apostles' Creed; also in the questions ...
A: As you know the bible does "not" tell us to pray the Rosary because this form of prayer ... of Mary and her crowning. The Assumption is related to Gen 3,15; the crowning can be assimilated to Apoc ...