While tidying up your vegetable garden after the season is a must to prevent pests and diseases from being perpetuated, there ...
Go to bit.ly/IPMSeasonalChecklist and select the region in which you are located. This will take you to a month-by-month ...
Plants are a thing of joy in my life. It would be unfathomable to live without them. I guess you could say it is “in my blood ...
Ahead, discover the highest-yielding fruits and vegetables that don't demand much from the gardener.
If you fall in love with a pot that is much bigger than what your plant actually needs, put a pot inside a pot so your plant ...
I’m not a big fan of unrealistic New Year’s resolutions such as “keep my papers organized and desk tidy,” for example. But I ...
Nebraska Extension series is geared toward home gardeners and provide just-in-time information around basic gardening topics.
I often wonder what our parkways would look like in winter if the crape myrtles planted there possessed colorful bark.
January is the start of a new gardening year, but there is often an illusion that it is a very slow month in the garden. The ...
Winter is here and it is a good time of year to reflect on your past year of gardening and plan for the next year.
Slugs are a common pest in the garden, munching on new growth and seedlings - but there is no need to panic as there are many ...
Through the years resolutions for a new year have worked to improve life, mine. As the process of aging deepens, there is ...