ASV šī gada janvārī aizliedza Ķīnas uzņēmumam "ByteDance" piederošās videoplatformas "TikTok" pakalpojuma pieejamību, bet vēlāk to atjaunoja. Arī Latvijā, bažījoties par riskiem valsts drošībai, dažās ...
Apstājusies Krievijas jēlnaftas tirdzniecība Ķīnā un Indijā. Tas saistīts ar strauju piegādes izmaksu pieaugumu, ko izraisīja ...
Izlūkdienesti pauduši bažas par Ķīnas uzņēmumam "ByteDance" piederošās videoplatformas "TikTok" riskiem valsts drošībai, jo ...
Galvenokārt sociālajā tīklā "Facebook", bet nereti arī "Instagram" redzamas reklāmas, kas ved uz internetveikaliem ar neticami zemām cenām. Bieži vien šīs cenas patiešām izrādās nereālas, jo ...
Elvis Presley. It's a 2024 half crown, minted in silver, and shaped like a plectrum - the tool musicians use to pluck the strings of a guitar. How to order a free 'gift to the nation ...
Elvis Presley is the undisputed King of Rock and Roll, whose music continues to thrill millions around the world. There's not many artists who recorded more songs and albums than Elvis Presley during ...
From the raw emotion of “Heartbreak Hotel” to the haunting melancholy of “Suspicious Minds,” Elvis Presley’s catalog spans over two decades and multiple genres, defining the sound of rock and roll.
Authorities said dolls, as well as some Elvis memorabilia and a branded esky, were stolen from a home in Tatura, near Shepparton, sometime between December 5 and 11 while the owners were away on ...
Quebec actor dead at 78 Julien Poulin, known for playing Bob Gratton in the cult classic trilogy Elvis Gratton, died at 78 Saturday.
One of Elvis Presley’s biggest regrets was not sharing the screen with Barbra Streisand. The claim was made by Norman Brokaw’s son, Joel Brokaw, who wrote a biography about the late Hollywood ...