Three of the new species — Haliclona pahua, Haliclona kahoe and Haliclona loe — are new to science, Toonen said. They were found in Kaneohe Bay off the island of Moku o Loe, he said, and their names ...
When I (Nathan Brooks English) was six years old, I snuck a starfish home from the beach and hid it in my closet. I regret ...
Seafood is a catch-all term that refers to fish, mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms. Seafood like salmon, clams, and ...
"It was exciting to discover a new species, but realizing its living arrangement has not been seen before in the region in ...
Air plants bloom only once, their small pink, coral, purple, or white flowers signaling their impending death. But no worries ...