When applying for a credit card or loan, the bank will likely pull a credit report. Check out this guide on consumer reporting agencies and what they do.
The top U.S. consumer finance agency on Wednesday asked a court to undo an enforcement case which the watchdog had already won last year, accusing prior agency officials of abusing their power as they sought to enforce diversity,
This federal agency is intended to be a watchdog for consumer rights and to help protect people and their money from deceptive or unfair practices by financial services companies. No matter how ...
The Trump administration's decision to put the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on ice has left a $100 million pot of money intended for borrowers allegedly harmed by the student loan servicer Navient sitting in limbo,
“Everything is on pause right now,” said Delicia Hand ... director of financial services at the Consumer Federation of America, including peer-to-peer payment apps. Such “nonbank” firms ...
A U.S. federal judge ruled Friday that the Trump administration must halt efforts to dismantle the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
A federal judge in Washington ordered Trump officials to resume work at a consumer finance watchdog and rehire its fired workers, another setback for the administration’s efforts to sharply downsize the federal government.