There's no cure for the common cold, but there are ways to ease symptoms while the cold runs its course. Here's what helps and what to avoid, according to experts.
If you’ve ever been diagnosed with the common cold or bronchitis ... The majority of these symptoms often fade in a few days, but a cough can last for weeks as your bronchial tubes heal.
But the brand name tells you next to nothing about what's actually inside the package ... won't work. Most cough medicines don't work, either But that's not the only cold medicine that probably ...
This cold and flu season, you may be looking for clues you're getting better anywhere you can find them, even in the color of ...
Respiratory syncytial virus is a common, highly contagious illness that often causes mild upper respiratory symptoms, akin to a cold. In babies, particularly those with tiny airways, RSV can cause the ...
Cough medicine is for those more serious ... layer on your inner nasal mucosal lining that will kill cold viruses before they get inside. Secondly, nasal sprays only block one route of infection ...
Unfortunately, another vaccine-preventable illness is also sickening children and adults at an increased rate over previous ...
The best way to prevent catching a cold or flu is to wash your hands frequently ... or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Cover your cough: cough or sneeze into a tissue or the inside of your elbow.
King County reported 10.3 cases per 100,000 people. Whooping cough often begins with common cold symptoms, including a runny nose, but can lead to severe coughing fits that can last for weeks or ...