So, I thought it'd be fun to ask parents in the BuzzFeed Community to share the best, funniest, or most useful lie they've ...
One of the only fossil Pokémon to not evolve, the abominations against Arceus itself don’t count, is Aerodactyl. The iconic ...
In this article we shall explore different types of dyes, how to craft them, and their uses in the game Cyan Dye - Mix blue dye and green dye. Magenta Dye - Combine purple dye and pink dye or use ...
The Pokemon Company has unveiled a new battle-focused game called Pokemon Champions, and it kind of looks like a mobile version of Pokemon Stadium. Revealed during the Pokemon Presents stream ...
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The baby form of Lickitung, created by qobrosii, received over 5,200 upvotes from the Pokemon community ... looking like a small green dinosaur with a yellow banana peel on top of its head.
When Pokemon Red & Blue was released in February 1996 ... Although not based on a dinosaur, there is certainly an ancient vibe to Relicanth as it is based on the coelacanth fish, which has ...
Susana Polo is a senior entertainment writer at Polygon, specializing in pop culture and genre fare, with a primary expertise in comic books. Previously, she founded The Mary Sue. As for Fraction ...
Mashable is a global, multi-platform media and entertainment company.
What has turned Nintendo into a video gaming juggernaut? Fun gameplay, catchy music, and impressive for-the-time graphics are a few. Oh, and don’t forget the characters. Nintendo’s history is ...
Dinosaur may, however, be a stretch. HP: 100 Attack: A Pokemon that evolves from Anorith ... Both creatures have long necks, ...