The Premier group, a Tamil Nadu-based yarn and textile maker known for selling dhotis under the Chakravarthy, Chalukya and other brands, faced pressures on revenue and profits in FY24 amid weakening ...
Pemilihan warna bisa mempengaruhi keseluruhan penampilan. Untuk tampil lebih stylish, kamu dapat memilih busana atau aksesori berdasarkan tren tahun ini. Baru-baru ini Pinterest merilis prediksi bukan ...
Hyderabad: Women wearing Saree and men with Dhotis for long periods of time and for several years must be aware of Saree Cancer/Pettoicoat cancer/ Dhoti Cancer. Referring to multiple instances over ...
Did you know tying a petticoat or dhoti too tightly for years can lead to skin cancer? Chronic friction between the fabric and the skin is a rare cause of skin cancer, a neurologist from Apollo ...
Warna hoki: Biru tua, hitam, abu-abu. Energi air shio Tikus cocok dengan elemen kayu Ular. Hindari kuning dan cokelat. Warna hijau, krem, cokelat muda cocok untuk shio Kerbau. Hindari warna merah ...
The dhoti, a symbol of heritage, has been at the heart of our brand since its inception. We take pride in reintroducing this attire to the younger generation, transforming it into a statement of ...