A live-action adaptation of the beloved Nickelodeon animated series, Avatar: The Last Airbender follows Aang, the young ...
Toph might have not had the ability to see in the original animated series but that never stopped her from being a force to ...
As Netflix's live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender adaptation is reaching the second season, much hype surrounds it. Toph Beifong's bold character and unmatched skills in earthbending are eagerly ...
The Gathering fans convinced that the last set of the year will be Avatar: The Last Airbender - could it be true?
The Last Airbender, an animated series that ran for three seasons from 2005-2008, about a young boy named Aang with spectacular powers destin ...
Netflix continues its effort to make the perfect live-action adaptation of a hit anime. Avatar: The Last Airbender pursues story beats familiar from the animated series and follows young Aang ...
That Horizon Zero Dawn Netflix series might have been canned, but don't worry, Sony has another trick up its sleeve: a film adaptation.
"We are living in the renaissance of great TV series, and I like a lot of them, but still nothing comes close to the scope, ...
The Witcher premiered in December 2019 to record-breaking numbers and much expectation: five years and three seasons later, what happened to all that promise?
Illumination movies continue to dominate the Netflix kids movie top 10s with a shakeup this year in the TV list!