A live-action adaptation of the beloved Nickelodeon animated series, Avatar: The Last Airbender follows Aang, the young ...
The Rim of the World star Miya Cech has shared some new details about her long-awaited debut as Toph Beifong in Netflix‘s ...
As Netflix's live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender adaptation is reaching the second season, much hype surrounds it. Toph Beifong's bold character and unmatched skills in earthbending are eagerly ...
The Gathering fans convinced that the last set of the year will be Avatar: The Last Airbender - could it be true?
A new trailer for Sakamoto Days is here - as well as the full line-up for the English voice cast. In the brief clip, which ...
The Last Airbender, an animated series that ran for three seasons from 2005-2008, about a young boy named Aang with spectacular powers destin ...
Last year was a major year for pop culture anniversaries within film, television, music, entertainment and more. Ellen ...
Imagine if John Wick had found a nice new girl and left his cold-blooded murder and bespoke suit days for a quiet life and a full closet of XXL t-shirts. That’s basically the plot of Sakamoto Days, a ...
In honor of the show's 20th anniversary, see how life at the fictional Pacific Coast Academy compares to real boarding ...
In Florida, as across the nation, schools have taken myriad steps to tighten campus security with measures including adding metal detectors and requiring all doors and gates be locked when students ...
A new year brings new celebrities to try and spot on the streets of Vancouver. Here are the ones you can keep an eye out for ...
Netflix is pulling big names across the voice acting, film, television, and even wrestling realms with Sakamoto Days' English dub cast.