Paul speaks of how he is not ashamed of the gospel—the good news about what God has done for us through Je ...
Over the course of three months and five drug related investigations, eight people have been arrested on possession ...
Barron William Trump, the youngest son of US President Donald Trump, helped his father win a second term. Here are some key ...
After the death of the emperor Tiberius in 37 CE, the Roman state was jubilant. The old man was considered depraved, distant, ...
Cleopatra ruled over Ancient Egypt from 51 to 30 BC and was the last ruler of the Greek Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt.
It was the year 160 AD when Appius Annius Atilius Bradua filed a complaint before the Roman Senate regarding the murder of ...
Starting out as a Roman statesman and military leader, Augustus used his cunning and political leverage to become the first … ...
The forgotten statue of Nero at the Isthmus of Corinth is a relic of the time the Roman emperor granted freedom to a part of ancient Greece.
Indeed, memes, GIFs and fan-made videos of the young man compare him to historical figures such as Macedonian king Alexander ...