A gaming mouse is the tool that keeps you in control of the action. A top-tier performance mouse provides the edge in fierce ...
You may not be able to get a complete stinky laptop and mouse set, since the Adol 14 Air Fragrance Edition has only been ...
ASUS has unveiled the Fragrance Mouse, a new compact versatile mouse that's the company's first mouse with an internal ...
You've probably never wondered what your mouse smells like before, and now it's all you'll be thinking about all afternoon.
Yes, the main differentiating feature of the Fragrance Mouse is a "refillable vial" in its underside, next to the place where ...
Asus says that the removable vial can be washed and refilled with different scents, so you can customize it to your olfactory ...
The new ASUS Fragrance Mouse is a stylish new mouse for laptops and PCs with a unique feature, an 'internal fragrance ...