Please refer to the operation manual . **Please contact here related to each certifications. ※1 Undergraduate graduates of the University who have continued on to a master's degree program. ※2 Those ...
The contents are subject to change. It will not be distributed as a booklet. The content within the parentheses represents the old room number prior to the 2022 academic year.
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Please refer to Science Tokyo Website.
The Graduate Major in Artificial Intelligence aims to cultivate individuals who have the ability to look at the field of computing from a higher perspective and see the direction of new developments.
国内理工系大学トップクラスの蔵書量と広さを誇る附属図書館。先鋭的な建築フォルムは、まさに東工大の顔。 正門を抜けると現れるのは東工大博物館。複雑な立体形状が組み合わさった ...
ものつくりの力と独創的なセンス、そして強い信念から生まれたロボットたちが、世の中の課題を解決していく。 スペシャルトピックスでは本学の教育研究の取組や人物、ニュース ...
Ookayama Campus, located in the heart of Tokyo, is home to most of the Institute's undergraduate students. It is within easy access of all major transportation hubs in and around the metropolis.