Rapid developments in recent years have shown that companies must keep up with technology to remain competitive. In doing so, they need to implement the European AI Act as efficiently as possible ...
The Fraunhofer EU Office in Brussels connects Fraunhofer management and researchers to the European research and innovation landscape. Our mission is to support the Fraunhofer Executive Board and the ...
Mit einem Gemeinschaftsstand ist die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft auf der weltgrößten Industriemesse (31. März bis 4. April, Halle ...
»Innovations for Our Future« – unter diesem Motto präsentiert sich die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft auf der Hannover Messe 2025. Mehr als 13 Fraunhofer-Institute, -Verbünde und -Allianzen stellen vom 31. M ...
Die rasanten Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre zeigen: Unternehmen müssen sich digital gut aufstellen, um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben. Dabei gilt es, die Regelungen des europäischen AI Act möglichst eff ...
Over 90 percent of the 414 million metric tons of plastic produced worldwide in 2023 originated with fossil raw materials. Bio-based plastics made from plants like corn or wood account for just 0.7 ...
The European electricity supply system is currently in flux as a result of the energy transition. An increasing number of plants and systems are feeding into the decentralized power grid through power ...
Fraunhofer researchers have developed sensor systems and measuring equipment that detect leaks in hydrogen lines and tanks. Applications for the new technology include continuous monitoring of ...
Researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT have teamed up with project partners to develop an AI module to help with laser material deposition. This technique is used to repair ...
Applications such as self-driving vehicles, 6G mobile communications and quantum communications are pushing fiber optic networks to their limits. Fraunhofer researchers have joined forces with ...