On his way down the Winnipeg River to Fort Garry, Napier captured the rough waters and rugged landscape surrounding Slave Falls.
The Canadian Library Association - Association Canadienne des Bibliotheques [sic] esteems the invitation of the Chairman and members of the Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, ...
The horrors of war are expressed through the dead; however, here the Métis casualties appear nameless and are represented without sympathy.
The Department of the Interior and travel companies with a vested interest in settling the Prairies sometimes joined forces to produce posters that promoted western immigration. The one shown here was ...
Hime was just 24 years old when he took this photograph of the Canadian expedition's encampment on the banks of the Red River. Born in Ireland, Hime came to Canada in 1854 and, two years later, joined ...
This site provides access to the first set of detailed maps prepared by the Canadian government to show federal electoral boundaries. Most of the electoral districts described in this 1895 atlas are ...
En 1862, William Hind (frère d'Henry Youle Hind) se joint aux « Overlanders » (Voyageurs par voie de terre), ce groupe de chercheurs d'or qui traversent les Prairies à la recherche des mines d'or des ...
During their voyage to Red River, the Swiss immigrants stopped at a number of trading posts. This drawing of Norway House was done during a time of high trading activity.
Champlain intègre pour la première fois l'Océan glacial à sa carte de la Nouvelle-France en 1616 et l'ajoute plus tard dans sa carte de 1632. Les Français sont si convaincus de l'existence du passage ...
George Murdoch, un harnacheur de Saint-Jean, arrive à Calgary au printemps 1883, quelques semaines seulement avant le chemin de fer du Canadien Pacifique. Il compte parmi les premiers pionniers à ...
En ce qui concerne la Direction de l'immigration, les Européens du Sud et les Juifs russes, tels que ceux qu'on voit ici, figurent au bas de la liste des immigrants européens désirables. Dans ...
Voici l'original de l'Entente du Nid-de-Corbeau signée par le gouvernement canadien et Canadian Pacific Railway. Le 6 septembre 1897, la compagnie ferroviaire reçoit une subvention en espèces de 3,3 ...